There are many reasons why someone would want t purchase a Louis Vuitton Replica Handbags; perhaps The real one costs too much, or the quality of the replica is even better than the real thing.Whatever the reason, there are many issues involved, including moral, legal, and economic consequences. In this article, we will discuss all these issues.Why would someone purchase a replica handbag?Virtually every person who wishes to purchase a replica handbag simply can not afford a real thing. After all, how many people can afford $1000 simply for simply a handbag.These are usually the type of people who want to look stylish and good without putting a hole in their wallet. Fake it, before you make it. Even if you can afford one or two real things. But There are so many new styles. Just like what Jessica Simpson said:"You can never have enough
Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags Outlet. There is always another piece you don't have but need to have." Jessica Simpson People Spring 2005You can't blame these people for wanting, or even needing to look fashionable and good. This includes the many people who attend nightclubs, bars, and lavish parties, who want to impress everyone in the room. Nothing owns the crowd better than a $2000 handbag on your hand.The ConsequencesMany moral, legal and economic consequences are at stake each time a replica handbag watch is sold. It is easy for you to say, "Louis vuitton makes enough money, what's 1000$ to them?"But imagine if Louis vuitton was your Company and thousands these unauthorized items are being sold each day. How would you fell? Quite differently, I assume. You probably would not show much sympathy for those who can't afford your product; after all, it promotes exclusivity and allows you to raise the prices.Economic ConsequencesLouis vuitton claims they lose hundreds of millions of dollars because of counterfeit Louis vuitton item. But this is assuming that each and every person who has purchased a replica handbag would have purchased the real one instead, had the fake one not existed. The truth, however, is that no replica is very 100% exact. Someone who can afford the real thing, would most likely purchase the real thing instead of a fake. The staff here has never run into a person who said, "Man, I can afford the real thing, but I am so glad found the fakes because I can save myself $1000".The biggest economic loss is diluting the name of Louis Vuitton. This is for real. If I owned a real Louis Vuitton Replica handbag, I would be upset too to see waitress neighbor using a fake one. It makes a Louis Vuitton less exclusive because now poor people can purchase one too.Another economic loss is when someone tries to sell a fake as a real thing, or counterfeiting. This type of crime should not be tolerated at all, because not only does Louis vuitton lose there's an extra
Discount Louis Vuitton Artsy diluting its name), but the person who make the purchase also loses because they thought they were paying for the real thing.So keep that in mind when purchasing a replica handbag. The economic consequence is that the exclusivity of owning a Louis vuitton is diluted, and the person who purchase the fake might go out and try to sell it as the real thing.Moral Consequences:The moral consequence is simple: if you owned a real Ferrari and paid $150000 for it, Would you be very happy to see you owner pay $50000 for his fake? Absolutely not. It Isn't fair to the real owners of Louis Vuitton handbags that replicas are being sold for a fraction of the price, because the replica purchaser can probably show theirs off and get the same amount of popularity as someone who paid 10 times more for the real thing.So remember: just because you don't think it's a big deal because you don't own the real thing, there are thousands of others who do own the real thing and don't think it's a big deal.Legal consequencesThere is an entire article dedicated to this topic. There are many legal consequences associated with manufacturing, purchasing and selling Replica Louis Vuitton handbags. To cover this topic briefly, there are both civil and criminal consequences. In case where a Louis vuitton replica isn't being counterfeited ( ie. Represented the real thing), then usually only civil cases are brought against the parties involved. However, in cased where the handbags are being imported or are being sold as the real thing, numerous criminal charges can usually be brought against the importer or the dealer.
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